Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Comments on Technology in Testing: the Present and the Future

Original article: Alderson, J. C. (2000). Technology in testing: the present and the future. System, 28(4), 593-603.

In this paper, Alderson (2000) evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of the computer-based language testing. The disadvantages are limited item types, computer familiarity, and not assessing productive skills. The advantages are no limitations of administrations, time and place, immediate result, flexibility, and large databases of items. Most of the advantages and disadvantages are concluded based on TOEFL CBT (computer-based test).

Here, I want to talk about my own experience of TOEFL. In Mainland China, only TOEFL PBT (paper-based test) and IBT (internet-based test) are introduced. And now, it is only IBT that Chinese students can take. As an IBT taker, I would like to say something about it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hot Potatoes and Dreamweaver

Hot Potatoes and Dreamwearver are perfect partners in creating online practice and editing the webpage. The two software, especially Hot Potatoes, are very easy to use. You can use them to create your own online practice or test for your studnets.

Hot Potatoes: free software

Adobe Dreamweaver (the former Macromedia Dreamweaver): trial download

I will present two very simple online exercises by Hot Potatoes, and edit the webpage by Dreamweaver.

Here is Hot Potatoes. You can use it to create several types of exercises: cloze, match, quiz, cross and mix. Then by using The Masher, you can combine each practice into one integrated exercise.

(Please click the pics for large version)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Comments on Copyright

Copyright is a huge and sensitive issue in the whole world, especially in Mainland China. And it should be taken seriously.

According to the Intellectual Property Department of HKSAR, copyright protection extends to the following areas concerning education: literary works, drama, music, artistic graphics and sculpture, photographs, computer software, sound recordings, films, broadcasts, cable programmes and typographical layouts.

As for in Mainland China, here is a link to the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Discussion Board

A typical format of Discussion Board (Please click the pic for large version)

According to Nguyen & Kellogg (2005), discussion board is defined as “an asynchronous communication tool that allows one individual to post a comment or question online. Other individuals who are members of the same discussion board may read that comment/question, and respond with their own remarks over time.” (Nguyen & Kellogg, 2005)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blogspot and Wetpaint

Here are two websites that we can start our blogs.

Blogspot/ Blogger:

(Please click the pics for large version)

The overall design of this website follows the traditional way of blog. You can edit the posting, settings and layout. If you have a Google account, you can also link it with Blogspot.




Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy New Year and Have Fun

Happy New Year!!!

I know that you are all gonna have abundant food to eat these days. Hey! Don't forget to do some sports!

Have fun!

The King of Gym and Lady Gaga's "Poker Face"

From Youtube

Tuzki and Wonder Girls' "Nobody"

From Youtube

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Comments on Virtual Environment

Original article: Roed, J. (2003). Language Learner Behaviour in a Virtual Environment. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 16(2-3), 155-172.

In this paper, Roed (2003) investigates the behavior of foreign language learners’ communicating through computers and internet. 13 first and second year college students of Danish participated in this study. They all sit in the same computer lab and were given an identity of a famous person. The participants needed to interview each other and find out other students’ identities by communicating via computer and internet. Through the communication record, the researcher concludes a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that in the virtual environment, there is no accent to be distracted by, no time pressure, no interruptions from classmates or teachers, no immediate reactions like giggles or raised eyebrows, and increased participation. This anonymous way of communication is a definite advantage to those introvert and shy students. To the contrary, one of the disadvantages is that exchanging the classroom for a virtual one may change the existed group dynamics. There may be also some technology problems such as limited access to computer or internet, delay of message because of internet speed problem, and a consideration of the students’ computer skills. Moreover, there may also exist a concern that the introvert students remain introvert and the extrovert students are still playing a dominant role.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Useful Links

CALL Software

Jun Da, Middle Tennessee State University

Diane J. Tedick, Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition

Sally Campbell, Francesca Davies, Graham Davies

Michael Barlow, The University of Auckland

CALL Software Reviews

CALL Software for Chinese, Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA)

CALL Facility as University of Cambridge

Monday, January 25, 2010

Comments on "Planning Tips on Internet for English Teaching"

Original article: Warschauer, M., Shetzer, H., & Meloni, C. F. (2000). Internet for English teaching: TESOL Alexandria, VA. [Chapter 7]

To get the students involved in English learning with Internet assisted, planning is one of the most fundamental and essential steps.

Tips on the planning phase:

1. Time: less, clear and relatively straightforward projects → more, complicated and diversified projects;
2. Computer and Internet access: access to school computers, the most user-friendly types of hardware or software, individual e-mail accounts for each student;
3. Communication: e-mail lists for groups or the whole class;
4. Hands-on training: assistants, handout preparation, pre-training;
5. Partners: multiclass projects--- complex, differences in schedule, level or goals;
6. Team teaching: multiclass projects- reliable partner with similar teaching approach, discussing goals ahead of time, e-mail list for teachers.
7. Student interaction: students’ self introductions and information exchanges;
8. Monitoring: guidelines and timetables preparation, students involved, clear communication;
9. Assessment: assessment clarification;
10. A shared experience: experience sharing by both students and teachers.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First Greeting, Second Post...

Aloha! This is Jessy! Welcome to my blog and have fun! Here is a primary plan for my little teaching box and some experiences I want to share.

On this blog, I would like to share some useful links, articles, and maybe a few technologies as far as I know. Hopefully, I will also update my reflective posts every two weeks. Some interesting pictures, news, songs and segments of TV series or movies will be shown on it occasionally.

When I was in college, the two main technologies we used were e-portal/blackboard and multimedia system. The blackboard was quite similar to the one we are using now, so I’m kind of familiar with it.

Sample of E-portal/Blackboard

My teachers used the blackboard to distribute notifications, class notes, assignments and etc. They also put some topics on the discussion board. There were some links to different departments, internal systems and other resources. It was really convenient for us to find the useful information.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Useful Links

Applications of Computer in SLA

Davies Graham

Adela Gánem, University of Essex

Donna Mydlarski, The University of Calgary http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~mydlarsk/index.html

Andrew Lian, Western Illinois University

Tim Johns, Birmingham University

Roger Kenner, Concordia University